Belton PD to Participate in Holiday DWI Enforcement

Belton PD to Participate in Holiday DWI Enforcement

Belton Police Department expresses appreciation to those in the community who call in to report reckless or impaired drivers. Lives are saved each year when drunk drivers are removed from local roads.

Drunk driving related fatalities typically increase around the holidays, so the Belton Police Department is putting impaired drivers on notice that it will be increasing its efforts to search for and arrest drunk drivers during the Christmas and New Year’s holiday period.

Don't drink and drive. Those who are caught could face jail time, fines, loss of driver’s license, towing fees, and other expenses. A drunk driving arrest could cost a person up to $10,000. Drunk drivers also risk a heftier price -- a life.

The safest way to get home is to drive sober, or catch a ride with a sober designated driver. Those who plan to drink at a holiday party or restaurant should hand the keys over to someone else – a sober friend -- or take a taxi or some other form of public transportation.

In addition to reminding drivers to drive sober, the Belton Police Department calls on everyone to be alert. If you see a car endangering others or driving erratically, call the police right away. If someone you know tries to drive after drinking, take their keys and help them get safely home.